I wasn’t tremendously inspired by the topic this week… This originally started out as a bunch of kids buying movie tickets. I’m not really sure how they became something resembling cub scouts. It’s been a loooooonnnnnnngggg week.
Hanging Flowers
Just playing around a little tonight.
Continuing to practice in black and white… (yes that is Seitz’s “Pupil’s Concerto #2”).
“Capturing Fireflies”
I’m still short on time, but tonight I got lucky. The image came together without much fuss. I still tend to over-ink and then have to clean up in Photoshop. So that makes this piece “multimedia” and not just “Pen and Ink”.
Clean Part I
I probably should have uploaded this earlier in the week but I had thought I’d get the whole piece finished in time to submit for Illustration Friday since the topic coincided nicely. This bit is actually a few years old and there’s a color version in my portfolio – but it’s still only a foreground. I have it on my portfolio to-do list to finish up this image and give it a proper setting. I have the majority of it pencilled out but it still needs ink and color so I’m going to have to post it later when it’s truly finished.
Edit 9.25.06: I finished it.
Opposites: Making War or Making Pie
While I was cutting up peaches in the kitchen over the weekend, I kept thinking how normal my life was with nobody dropping bombs on my house.
I definitely need to continue the inking practice. I’m also still very short on time these days and it’s making me grumpy. If I have time to come up with something better, I’ll post it.