Thank you to Johnelle DeWitt for encouraging me to write something for the 4th Annual Halloweensie Writing Contest.

Yes, I said writing contest.

As most of you know, I’m an illustrator but I would also like to write someday so I gave it a go. It’s the first work of fiction I’ve finished in close to 20 years (and the rest have never seen the light of day).

Here are the rules: Write a 100 word Halloween story appropriate for children (title not included in the 100 words), using the words pumpkinbroomstick, and creak.

Edit November 6th, 2014:

YIKES! I am doing the little happy dance and having a “Sally Field” moment here… My entry won an Honorable Mention! Motivation has been kick-started.

Thank you, Susanna Leonard Hill, for creating a lot of fun, inspiration, and camaraderie! And now, for giving me a good kick in the writing trousers.

Here is my entry:

The Poag’s Revenge

How the Pumpkin Poag took his revenge that howling night was frightening,

Swirling creaking, shrieking gales in streaks of greenish lightning.

As shingles, branches, baubles blew, we cowered in our room,

Certain our prized Jack-o-Lantern surely brought this doom.

Dragging rakes and broomsticks, creeping out at palest dawn,

We gazed upon the chaos littering the lawn.

Indeed, our gorgeous pumpkin was smashed across the ground,

And scrawled in dusty sidewalk chalk this angry screed we found:

Next time you trespass in my patch for magic gourds to find,

My shimmering, dazzling, glimmering home, you had better leave behind!

By the way, Mr. Poag should also be making a VISUAL appearance later this year… stay tuned.