I ended up with 6 total. The last 3 are below (I really need to get a better camera!):
Book of Days:
For Just a Moment:
Gloomy Winter’s Now Awa’:
I ended up with 6 total. The last 3 are below (I really need to get a better camera!):
Book of Days:
For Just a Moment:
Gloomy Winter’s Now Awa’:
3 more to finish. Maybe 4. We’ll see.
So far I have 2 pieces finished for Artomatic. The photographs really don’t do them justice. There’s a lot of texture and the shades and colors have got lost. But what the heck, this is what I’ve been up to.
livescore 2008
livescore detail
Little Cabin On The Hill 2009
Little Cabin On The Hill 2009 detail