Happy 2022!
There was a time, for a few years, where we’d receive an 11 x 8.5 paper fridge calendar every December from one of the local realtors. A couple of years ago, we stopped getting them. I was actually upset about this. I really like the format!
I looked around to see if I could buy an insert someplace because I still have some of the magnetic and vinyl holders. I couldn’t find one that looked like the realtor calendar so I made my own.
Once again this year we didn’t get one so I’m continuing to make my own. This year, I made myself a Jewish-American calendar with all the Jewish holidays, Hebrew month starts, and the Hebrew year(s). I also put in all the non-Jewish holidays I want to remember as well.
I know it’s already January 10th but if you’d like a copy, you can download the PDF (free) to print out for your own empty realtor fridge calendar holder. Or just tack it on a wall. Maybe next year I’ll add some art to it!
(Also, if you see any glaring mistakes, please let me know and I’ll update it!!!)