I need some objective help!
I’m participating in an on-line collective print and greeting card sale next week. The theme is “Friendship” and the art featured needs to be something a friend would gift to another friend.
I’m trying to select a piece from my available art that fits this theme. Please help me decide! Voting doesn’t obligate you to buy anything, but if you WERE to buy one of my pieces as a card to send to a friend, what would it be? The pieces I’m considering are below.
Comment with your vote or votes (sure you can pick more than one!), or with an alternate suggestion from my available pieces .
5/17/2017 @ 3:58 pm
Depends if friend is adult or child. I like #5…covers most bases. Needs color though.
5/18/2017 @ 12:16 am
#7 all day long.
5/18/2017 @ 1:17 am
I love #7.
5/18/2017 @ 8:56 pm
I love number 7 – and would add at the bottom – “because this to0 shall pass”.
5/21/2017 @ 11:42 am
#1 and #4