Rosh Hashannah

Wednesday night begins the (Jewish) new year. I’ve been wanting to make a greeting card for Rosh Hashanna (literally “the head of the year”) for a while. On a whim, I decided to be a masochist and do it in digital mosaic tile. I guess it’s because I’d had fun doing the digital tile a few years back designing “The Unswept Plate.”

The Hebrew says “Leshanah tovah tikatavu” May you be inscribed (into the book of life) for a good new year. The horn is the Shofar, the ram’s horn that called Jews to prayer in biblical times. These days it ceremonially heralds the new year and the sealing of the book of life for the coming year. The apples represent sweetness. We Jews tend to eat symbolically for our holidays and for the new year, it’s all things sweet. Traditionally, it’s apples and honey and honey cakes.

At any rate, I’ve uploaded the card for sale at GCU and Cafepress. L’shannah tovah.