This is funny. I have discovered I have to act like it’s spring in order to get the right feeling inside me in order to paint a spring image. I did this with winter too. “Art-Acting!” Stay tuned for Summer Bunny.
My friend, Christel, and I were comparing notes tonight on artist’s stumbling blocks while I was painting. I am learning so much from just the actual DOING of art… once I got beyond step 1, which is that not every piece will be a masterpiece (Accept that and stop trying to edit yourself while you’re drawing. Just let it come out. Sometimes it’s better than you could have possibly expected. Sometimes it fights with you. Just get it done and move on to the next).
Edit: 9.29.06 Jason says that Spring Bunny is perfect for Illustration Friday’s topic, “Quiet,” this week and insisted I submit it.
Also, just a quick opinion poll… Do you like the chick the way he is or should I change him so he’s also watching the sunset?
9/29/2006 @ 3:05 pm
I like it as it is…with the little chick’s face showing. Also, I am going to try and follow your art advice…stop with the always thinking “this could be better” and move on.
9/29/2006 @ 3:26 pm
I love this painting. There is delicate quiet within. I really would like to see how this would look with the chick also quietly contemplating the sunset.
The two little marks on the road, almost make it look like the chick is trying to say something. If he moves over near the bunny that confusion will be eliminate. But, just lovely!
9/29/2006 @ 3:35 pm
I love this series. It totally works for quiet. And about the chick…hmmm, could go either way. This way it looks as though they’re chatting…it might be more poignant the other way, but I like it as is, too! By the way I like leaving you comments but your security code bar is a pain. I have to try like 4 times to leave a comment and I type it right every time.
9/29/2006 @ 3:40 pm
First the opinion poll. I like the chick just the way he is because he appears to be having a quiet conversation with the bunny.
I love your depiction of the twigs on the tree and the bunny’s fur and of course the color is just wonderful.
I think the other pitfall for artists aside from critiquing ourselves and being a bit too critical is comparing ourselves to others who may have different styles. But what you pose is a very interesting thought to ponder.
9/29/2006 @ 3:42 pm
Thanks for the input on the security bar, Amy. I found a new one. I hope this works better (and I can customize the words!).
9/29/2006 @ 4:11 pm
This is such a lovely series. I love it just the way it is.
9/29/2006 @ 8:36 pm
When I sit down to draw, I kinda slip into a dream state and defocus my eyes then I start whipping my pencil around as I ‘see’ what I want to put down. It’s sorta like sculpting with stone, the statue is in there, ya just gotta find it…
I luv this illo just the way it is, the landscape is lovely !
9/30/2006 @ 8:48 am
what a lovely illo – great work!
9/30/2006 @ 9:49 am
lov this very quiet and peaceful scene
10/2/2006 @ 3:28 pm
really nice…
10/3/2006 @ 10:43 am
this is so cute! I want the bunny!